1. Important changes

Because this is a major update, it is very important that you take a backup before performing this upgrade. It will then take up to 10 minutes (on a slow server) to upgrade your data once you start the new onCourse server before you are able to log in again.

2. Major features

2.1. Access control

Want to lock certain users out of parts of onCourse? Now you can control users' rights to almost every part of the application, down to 'view', 'edit', 'create', 'delete' and 'print' right levels. For SMS and email, you can even control which users can send up to 50 messages and which can blast your entire customer base with many more..

Access control sounds simple to describe, but it has been a big effort to implement and test throughout the whole application.

2.2. Quick find in lists

It has always been possible to search for records in classes, tutors, courses, rooms, and in fact in any list view within onCourse. That search functionality is still there and even improved, but there is now a quick way to search directly in the list view, select tagged items and restore saved searches.

We’ve added our goto icon link rollover in more places – as usual clicking on this will open up the related record in a new window.

As an example, in the following image, if you click on on the icon link rollover, this will open the student record in a new window.

2.4. Tagging and Untagging more than one record at once

One of the features that was requested was a means to manage tags in bulk, we’ve included this feature now in our latest release.

Assuming that you’ve already created some tags, highlight the records that you’d like to tag and right click the tag on the left. This should give you the option to either add the tag to the highlighted records or remove the tag from the highlighted records.

2.5. Class budgets

Each class can be allocated a set of costs: fixed, per session, per hour or per enrolment. This allows you to define costs such as room rental per hour, materials costs per student and so on. You can also enter your target enrolments, enter funding arrangements (eg. government contributions) calculate minimum break-even, report on target vs actuals over any period and produce budgets.

2.6. External backend database choices

MySQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle are now additional choices for backend database in addition to the existing built-in Derby engine. These new choices allow the system to scale effectively to enterprise level customers, allow for clustered databases and improve server speed, reporting and backup options.

2.7. AQTF 2007 Competency Completion Quality Indicator export

A new AQTF requirement has been imposed on all RTOs in Australia. onCourse is the first enrolment package to support this new export and does it without requiring any additional work from you.

2.8. Flexible outcome creation

99% of the time, an accredited course is built in advance with a qualification and the appropriate units of competency/modules linked. But sometimes, the actual units taught can vary only after the class has started when a tutor makes decisions based on the competencies of the class. English as a Second Language (eg. CSWE) is often in this category. In this case onCourse now allows for this flexibility, giving you the option to create outcomes individually per enrolment. For example, some students may complete one outcome, while others may engage with, and complete more.

For managing various funding groups within the one class, such as state funded, AMEP funded and overseas full fee paying students, it is now also possible to modify the National Funding Source field per enrolment. It will automatically be set to the default of the class, but can be overridden as needed.

Start and end date and delivery mode can also be modified on a per enrolment basis, so RPL outcomes can be assigned and the enrolment can stay with the rest of the class group.

2.9. Nominal hours, classroom hours and Student Contact Hours

On the class window, there is a new tab called VET, which contains fields that are useful for RTOs and relate to AVETMISS and other delivery statistics. The three AVETMISS specific fields 'Delivery mode', 'funding source' and 'DET booking ID' have moved to this tab, from the General tab. Additional fields regarding hours have been added.

Qualification Hours – These are the nominal hours set by NCVER for the qualification. Often, this field is left blank, which is acceptable for AVETMISS.

Student Contact Hours – This field multiplies the number of students enrolled by the number of reportable hours. SCHs are often used by funding bodies to measure delivery.

Classroom Hours – The total hours you have defined as scheduled activity by setting sessions or by defining the minutes per sessions and number of sessions on the General tab. This is not reported as part of AVETMISS – it is for your information only.

Nominal Hours – The total nominal hours of the units of competency assigned to the course. While the nominal hours are usually set by NCVER, you can override them or add them where they are missing in Module record.

Reportable Hours – These are the hours that will be reported against each enrolment in the NAT00120 file. They default to the nominal hours of the course. If there are no nominal hours as set by the module, i.e. in a non-VET course, the nominal and reportable hours will default to the classroom hours. You can override the reportable hours field to the classroom hours or any other number that you wish to export in it’s place.

2.10. Custom Fields for Contacts

You can create custom fields for contacts which will be searchable. This allows you to create fields for, and record information that is particular to your business. Some examples of how this field may be used are payroll numbers, licence numbers, student numbers that stay with the student between training organisations and date of initial contact. You can add as many additional fields as you need to contact.

2.11. Relationships for Contacts

You can define how contacts relate to each other, such as siblings, spouse and parents and make contacts employees of companies. This is especially useful for tutors who work as contractors and may have separate business and personal contact details.

2.12. Installer changes

  • We now have installers for onCourse Client, onCourse Server for Windows and a brand new option to install onCourse Server as a service for Windows.

  • Removed separated Linux and Solaris packages, they are being replaced by a single Unix package which will work across platforms.

3. Minor features

  • Adding validation to ensure mailing lists tag group can’t be deleted.

  • Reinstating ValidationResult separation of real failures from warnings.

  • Fixing a problem with onCourse server shutdown – derby exception

  • Ensuring subjects tagging filters are correctly OR’ed together

  • Fetching the proper display name for outcome printing

  • Problem with the opening of the mailing list fixed

  • Custom fields default values are now properly loaded

  • Custom fields and tags are only validated for new records – done in a better way (although no speed gain)

  • Setting contact as a tutor/student did not propagate to make the tabs visible

  • Update contact type images to make them more readable.

  • Added student/tutor/company controls to the contact view

  • Fixing issue where right clicking on tag did not produce the popup actions.

  • Added student/tutor/company controls to the contact view

  • Mailing list export for post:separated the name field into two fields: last and first name. If it is a company the last name field is used and the first name field is left blank

  • New contact student-tutor-company selection control images.

  • Fixed problem with sorting on student name

  • Fixed formatter for year in the student AVETMISS

  • re-laid out AVETMISS tab

  • Contact view updated again: the fields are better organised in columns

  • Fixed problem with rolling credits on the About screen

  • Fixed a problem with the action cog bug – becoming disabled after performing certain actions, this also affect the "+" and "-" buttons/

  • New 1.0 splash screen

  • Clairvoyance background looks as any other text field on mac os 10.5

  • Default access roles added to onCourse: Administration Manager, Course Manager, Enrolment Officer,Financial Manager

  • Removed payment edit right as payments are not editable

  • Only refundable costs are taken into consideration in budget

  • Class budgeted income and discount accommodates the current enrolments

  • Buttons with no permissible action are working with AccessRights events

  • Problem with opening mailing list with subscribers fixed

  • Added class funding report

  • Allowing to print the enumeration.

  • Lots of fixes related to session access rights.

  • Fixed problem with button being enabled after a sheet dialog is displayed regardless of access rights

  • Few bug fixes to access rights: disallowing qualification delete checkbox etc.

  • Names changed for display in access rights:

    • "System user" to "Users": same name as in the menu item

    • "Contact deduplication" to "Contact merging": correspond to the label in contacts

  • Display the fullname and email address of a contact when we come across a validation failure

  • Fixed a problem with send message tooltip which incorrectly listed the number of recipients when no contacts were highlighted

  • Fixed a problem related to access control problem where the save button was not disabled on contact and user edit view.

  • Fixed an upgrade problem where obsolete outcome status prevented upgrade completion

  • When opening a list view:

    • with no items to display in the left pane (tags, saved searches etc) the pane size is set to 0

    • with some items then the size is either taken from preferences of set to a some width

  • Refresh of discount table in class edit after adding or removing a discount -It appeared as though no discounts were being added or removed, until the class saved and the record reopened

  • Tags were not showing in the left hand navigation on TagGroup list

  • Removed +-buttons from classes list in tutor view

  • Fixed

    • Exception thrown when doubleclicking on concession from class edit

    • refresh of class table in discount dialog after deleting class

  • Update NTIS data with CSWE English course data.

  • Corrected display: The discount dialog in class → open class → general → open discount → had a table that had all classes that the discount/promotional code was eligible for. This table was not displayed properly, the height was too small

  • Changed radio box label when adding classes to promotions/design: "All current and pending classes" instead of "All current and future classes" which suggested that any class added to onCourse in the future would automatically be eligible for this discount

  • When choosing to use an existing database with onCourse Server the title has been changed to be more informative:

    "Choose the folder where the onCourse.iocdata folder is located"

  • Better money formatting – the currency figure is accepted by formatter so that entering "$50" where it would expect "50" before

    This caused a problem where certain field such as discount in QE were resetting to $0 after losing focus.

  • Fixed a problem in QE where the concessions field was disabled if the class was dragged into the class field.

  • Fixed problem with 'mondays' view printing

  • Fixed a bug with contacts where the width of the icon column was far wider than necessary. By default this should now be 2 pixels wider than the

    icon unless resized by the user

  • Mailing list description lined to a db field

    note: the tutors only flag cannot be changed after contacts/tutors are linked

  • Fixed a problem where the Tag groups were not displaying

  • Fixed the display values for payment status, type and credit card type

  • Class budgeting

    • in the cost/income dialog all values for the amount has to be entered as a positive number, independently if the are costs or income. Before an income had to be entered as a negative number (because of internal calculations), but this might be confusing for the user. Furthermore all labels with "cost" were changed to "amount", because an income is no cost.

    • on the budget tab there is a table for an overview about costs, fees, profit, … All values with the meaning of expenses are enclosed by brackets. Also the profit has brackets, if its a negative one.

    • after adding, updating or deleting a cost/income record the the values for that money table are calculated new and the display will be refreshed.

  • Clicking in the clairvoyance selects all the text to the right.

  • Reportable hours are now auto propagated to the outcome

  • Editing qualification nominal hours allowed

  • Clairvoyance does not lose its value when it just filters the data

  • When upgrading from a previous version of onCourse, enrolments with status "null" are converted to SUCCESS

  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to send out a email with an empty body which resulted in strange display issues and also some strange validation problems

  • Outcome validation on enrolment edit screen improved

  • Made the duplicate dialog a little taller

  • Class hours calculations fixed

  • Send message interface bugs relating to post. Fixed the formerly tab separated file to be comma separated (.csv extension) format and fixed garbage output

  • When applying or removing tags in bulk, the popup dialog shows you how many of the highlighted items will be tagged or untagged by the operation

  • Greatly improved the speed of message controller – 10k emails takes 10 minutes, but the commit speed is constant and does not decrease with number of messages to save

4. Fixes

4.1. Known Issues

  • When duplicating classes a problem might occur if there are new mandatory tags added.

  • Mailing list groups show up twice on the left search pane.