1. Important changes

This is the first release of onCourse with no Java client application. Only the web client is supported from here on.

2. Major features

2.1. Imports

A new major feature, imports are a special kind of script which can take one or more files as inputs, usually to create records inside onCourse. This might be useful to migrate from another system or just run period data imports.

2.2. Three column resize

The right column in three column view is now resizable. This gives you a lot of flexibility to match onCourse to your screen size and use patterns.

3. Reports and scripts

4. Minor features

  • Classes bulk edit: enrolments allowed and visible online OD-14149

  • Reduce column minimum width in lists OD-14161

  • Add 'Classes' link to right hand navigation in Course edit view OD-14178

  • Go To icon next to every header in list view above a list OD-14254

  • Script: creation-vet-certificates improvements OD-14374

  • Deleting outcomes: improve error message when there is an export already OD-14628

  • Checkout cogweheel for special actions on the summary page OD-14703

5. Fixes

  • Two credit notes created per student after class cancel OD-14190

  • Errors in historic aged debtor export OD-14710

  • Documents window - 'Active' column is reversed OD-14726