1. Major features

Custom fields for Products

We’ve added the ability to create custom fields for all product types in onCourse, meaning you can create custom fields for memberships, products and vouchers.

Data Collection for Products

Alongside the ability to create custom fields for product types, we’ve also added full data collection to all product types as well. Vouchers, products and memberships can all have their own separate data collection forms for use on your website, allowing you to capture more useful information for any type of transaction.

2. Minor features

  • Improved API docs OD-15547

  • Added custom fields for product sales OD-15908

  • Added data collection rules for product sales OD-15922

  • Simplified the common confirm dialog interface OD-16069

  • The attendance section in classes is now hidden for self-paced classes OD-16112

  • Class Assessment Submissions - Submitted column functionality updates OD-16114

  • Class Assessment Submissions - Marked column functionality updates OD-16115

  • Class Assessment Submissions - If assessment has no grading type set we no longer show the Marked or Grade columns OD-16116

  • Outcome edit view - If dates are in future, actual colun will simply show 'Not yet Started' and 'Not yet finished' OD-16125

  • Outcome edit view - added tool tips to Training Plan and Actual date fields OD-16126

3. Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where custom field query in search and scripts weren’t working OD-16099

  • Fixed issue where could not set entity for a new script OD-16101

  • Fixed issue where invoice due date could be set before the invoice creation date in checkout OD-16103

  • Fixed an issue where the content section of 'Message' card could strip content from the field OD-16104

  • Fixed an issue in invoice where the payment due could be set incorrectly after transferring an enrolment OD-16110

  • Fixed an email validation issue where users could use a period directly after an @ symbol in their eail address OD-16124