1. Important changes

This update is only relevant to customers already reporting 2014 data using the new AVETMISS 7 standard. These fixes will also be included in the next major release if you choose not to update at this time.

2. Fixes

  • Fix to the AVETMISS 7 NAT0085 export file to export the contact addresses in a parsed format as per the standard requirements

  • Fix to AVETMISS 7 NAT00120 for NSW DET to export Y when enrolment fee exemption is set to 'Y – Yes', otherwise export N

  • Fix to AVETMISS 7 NAT00120 for NSW DET to export N as the default for training plan developed, or Y when this option is selected in the enrolment

  • Improve performance for loading Mailing List records and the send message window