1. Major features

1.1. onCourse portal refresh

A major refresh of the onCourse portal application is currently underway to significantly improve the functionality for students, tutors, employers, agents and parents. These improvements have begun rolling out, and more will be added in the next few months.

In the last few weeks, the new group timetable view, scrolling schedule timetable view, improved class roll attendance marking and payment gateway has been deployed. A brand new dashboard, outcome marking module and certificate verification service are in the works. Watch this space!

1.2. Default invoice terms per contact

A new field has been added to the general preferences to allow for a default due date for all invoices to be set. Previously, the default due date was always the day of creation. In addition, each contact in onCourse can have their own default due date that overrides the default, so you can offer a range of relative terms like 7 days, 14 days, 31 days to auto calculate an invoice due date for your corporate clients. This features ties in with the new invoice payment due reminder script and portal payment gateway also included in this release.

2. Reports and scripts

  • A new script has been added to onCourse called 'notification of unmarked attendance'. When enabled, this script sends a daily notification to advise an admin user of any sessions run the previous day where attendance was all or partially unmarked. If you have scripts enabled that rely on tutors electronically marking the roll, we suggest you enable this monitoring script also. #26608

  • A new script has been added to onCourse called 'send payment plan reminder'. When enabled, this script sends a reminder to the invoice payer if they have a payment due within the next 7 days or if they have a payment overdue. The email template link includes a password free one time login to the portal payment gateway to make the payment via credit card #28806

  • Fix to Payment In an Payment Out reports to render company names correctly #28802

  • Addition of the 'createdOn' field to the Transaction CSV report, to assist with identifying transaction effective and record creation dates #29160

  • Addition of a default notification to the admin email address when a student completes an online application. Open the 'send application received notification' script and click 'update to latest version' to add this option to your default script #29187

  • Replace unsubscribe link in waiting list email template from one that required the user to login to unsubscribe, to a timed no login needed link. The updated template copy can be access on the Github repository #29422

3. Minor features

  • All list view pre-fetches have been reviewed and updated, to ensure all onCourse windows are opening in the fastest possible time. Windows with noticeable delays, like Applications and Payment In load significantly faster #29058

  • Allow the change of settlement date for deposited banking records #28972

  • Only allow payment reversals to be processed on unbanked payments. Banked payments can be unbanked if they require reversing`#29707`

  • Add reversed payments to the deposit banking process, so bounced check payments in and subsequent reversals can be banked on the correct dates of receipt and bounce. On upgrade you may find a number of unbanked reversals in your 'deposit banking' window. Be sure to bank them so the reversal is correctly processed against your bank account balance. Contact ish support if you require assistance with this process #29232

  • Addition of a certificate icon next to outcomes that are linked to a certificate. Text colour changes to light grey to indicate an outcome is no longer editable because it is joined to an issued certificate #28832

  • Redesign of the CorporatePass to improve clarity in 'limit to classes' feature`#29037`

  • Addition of core filters to the payment in window for faster searching and filtering #29230

  • Addition of payment date field in Quick Enrol, so payments received in the past e.g. direct deposit into your bank account, can be recorded with the actual date of payment`#29240`

  • Payment out date is now editable, and can be changed to a date in the past or the future #29241

4. Fixes

  • Fix to wait list link in course record to open filtered list view of waiting list entries for that course only #27584

  • Improvement to editing of attendance records to ensure if cancel is chosen, instead of save, no changes to the attendance records are saved #28793

  • Improvements to the WA RAPT report have been implemented to export the start and end date of self paced outcomes which have been overridden, calculate the course fee based on the enrolment fee divided by the units of competency, and export the USI data #28933

  • Fix to the deposit bank 'dank banked' field to allow the date to be typed into the field rather than just chosen from the calendar tool #29164

  • Improve finalise period window options to show unreconciled and unbanked payments in the period, and open the related record windows`#29204, #29227`

  • Automatically reconcile any unreconciled but banked payments when a period is locked #29229

  • Widen the Quick Enrol Course Code field to display more code data`#28836`

  • Remove SSL option from login window, as onCourse client always connects to the server via SSL #29139

  • Automatically remove 'is reconciled' flag from any payments that are changed from 'banked and reconciled' to 'unbanked' #29165

  • Suppress display of voucher payments in banking or reconciliation windows #29166

  • Improve display of banking deposit records when clicking 'next' and 'previous' buttons #29224

  • Improvement in Quick Enrol voucher redemption process, to automatically add the defined voucher invoice contact to Quick Enrol as the payer #29025

5. Web features

  • The onCourse credit card payment gateway has been added to the skillsOnCourse portal, to allow debtors to make payments against their outstanding invoices or payment plans #19455

  • A design refresh of the portal timetable has been implemented to show sessions in a continual scrolling schedule. Each session can be clicked on to expand and show additional notes and links #28496

  • A new team timetable view has been implemented for users with group permissions for other users in the portal. In this view you will see the attendees scheduled for each session #28496

  • An all new and improved design for tutors marking attendance via the portal now includes the CRICOS marking options for partial attendance and absent with reason #27482

  • A feature for marking the class roll has been added to show the attendance percentage of each student #27482

  • Students (and their approved portal contacts) can see information about the student’s attendance for each class, showing the marked roll results for each session as well as an overall attendance calculation #28804

  • A new feature has been added to the skillsOnCourse login screen to auto detect first time visitors to the site, when following a login link from onCourse. They system will auto populate their name and email address and prompt them to set up a password on their first visit #28881

  • A new feature for adding hero images to course descriptions using tags in onCourse. The Images and Attachments of the web documentation has detailed instructions on how to implement this feature #29198

6. Web fixes

  • Improvement to the web enrolment process when redeeming a voucher to auto assign the defined voucher contact as the payer by default, allowing vouchers to be redeemed by any student, but still ensuring the invoice on redemption is sent to designated voucher contact #29138

  • Improved display of invoices in the portal to better match onCourse email templates and print reports #28286

  • Hide payments in the portal of $0, including internal system payments and failed payment attempts #29162

  • Ensure new attendance sessions are created in the portal when sessions in the class are added or adjusted when the class is in progress #29521

  • Fix to ensure course images display in the portal correctly #29607