1. Major features

1.1. Discount override at the class level

This new feature allows you to override the discount value at the class level, to assign varying class fees sharing the same discount name. This option may be especially useful for funded programs like Smart & Skilled. For example, a number of courses and classes can share the discount 'First Qualification rate' but each class can have it’s own discounted price. Double click on the discount in the class budget tab to edit it.

1.2. Discount offset from class start date

In addition to discounts running for a set date period, discounts can now be set to be valid as an offset from the class start date. The offset can allow the discount to run prior to the start date, or after the start date. This will allow the creation of both early bird style pricing and discounts for in-term enrolments.

1.3. Prior learning edit and export

Prior learning data imported into onCourse now has its own view in the contact education tab. These records can be double clicked to edit, and new records can be added manually. All prior learning data added manually or via import will also be collected and exported in whole of college date range AVETMISS reporting.

2. Reports and scripts

  • A new OLGR data export file was added to the contact window for customers delivering RSA training #26609

  • Two new management reports added to the class window - Enrolment Income by Account and Enrolment Summary by Account. These reports show the enrolment numbers and income invoiced for classes selected in the report, grouped by income codes. The summary report shows only a total for each income account, without the class by class data #26748

  • Make it easier to send links to specific portal pages like this restrictedPortalURL("class" + $\{cc.willowId}, 7) which creates a link to the class page with an expiry of 7 days. This is particularly helpful for survey invites. #26583

3. Minor features

  • Add check box option to retain or remove class VET data during duplication. Data is retained by default #26606

  • Renamed the enrolment tab in the contact window to education to reflect the addition of prior learning #26768

  • Add + button to the contact window on the education tab above the enrolment panel to open Quick Enrol with the student’s details pre-populated #26768

  • Added search index for invoice dates and source to run faster queries against these fields in onCourse #26869

  • Redesign the front page of the class edit view to better present discounts, including the customised discount values. #27123

  • Added access level role to the user list view #26797

4. Fixes

  • Under certain circumstances, heavy use of scripts would exhaust all the server memory preventing any further logins #27219

  • Classes without any sessions, but not marked as self-paced would cause problems with setting outcome dates #27215

  • Add warning message when trying to delete a tutor with a wage that has already created paylines #26885

  • Honorific was incorrectly exported in position of contact title in standard CSV export. This has been corrected, and the honorific field added to export after the contact name #26609

  • Country of Birth name was not exporting the expected name value in the standard CSV exported #26609

  • Prevent tutor middle names from displaying in web advertising copy #26741