onCourse handbook
Aristedes Maniatis / Natalie Morton / Stephen McIlwaine / Charlotte Tanner / Marcin Skladaniec / Amanda Buchanan / James Swinbanks / Flynn Hill - 5 Apr 2024
onCourse documentation copyright ish group. Licensed under CC BY 4.0. You are free to, share and adapt this documentation for any purpose, as long as you give appropriate credit.
onCourse is the ERP system for providers of education and events. Integrate with everything and automate your manual processes. Create beautiful websites. Accounting. Document management. Learning management. Tutor wrangling. Student untangling. Government compliance reporting. ecommerce and so much more.
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onCourse set up
If you install onCourse yourself, rather than using the managed service from ish, you’ll need to configure the environment into which you install onCourse. You will need:
A unix, linux, OSX or Windows operating system
A database. No database specific features are used, but onCourse is regularly tested with MariaDB, MySQL, and Amazon Aurora RDS. Others like postgresql or SQL Server might also work, but aren’t regularly tested.
An outbound mail server (smtp)
Java 11 or higher
1.1. Installing dependencies
On MacOS, use homebrew to install many of the requirements.
Install MariaDB 10.4. brew install mariadb@10.4
Install Java. ` brew tap homebrew/cask-versions; brew install temurin11`
Now set up your database.
brew services start mariadb to start the server
mysql_secure_installation and configure the root account.
mysql -uroot -p to log in to the SQL console and execute some commands to create a user. Use a proper secure password instead of 'password123'.
1. onCourse set up
If you install onCourse yourself, rather than using the managed service from ish, you’ll need to configure the environment into which you install onCourse. You will need:
A unix, linux, OSX or Windows operating system
A database. No database specific features are used, but onCourse is regularly tested with MariaDB, MySQL, and Amazon Aurora RDS. Others like postgresql or SQL Server might also work, but aren’t regularly tested.
An outbound mail server (smtp)
Java 11 or higher
1.1. Installing dependencies
On MacOS, use homebrew to install many of the requirements.
Install MariaDB 10.4. brew install mariadb@10.4
Install Java. ` brew tap homebrew/cask-versions; brew install temurin11`
Now set up your database.
brew services start mariadb to start the server
mysql_secure_installation and configure the root account.
mysql -uroot -p to log in to the SQL console and execute some commands to create a user. Use a proper secure password instead of 'password123'.
onCourse handbook
Aristedes Maniatis
Natalie Morton
Stephen McIlwaine
Charlotte Tanner
Marcin Skladaniec
Amanda Buchanan
James Swinbanks
Flynn Hill
5 Apr 2024